Managing Posted Materials


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It’s up to you to determine how best to manage assets in CurrentTrack®. To eliminate confusion, we recommend not having multiple versions of the same work in a job’s Attachments Folder. When a new version is posted, delete the previous copy. The original presumably still exists in your art department.


To delete an Attachment, go to Clients & Jobs Client Job One Sheet  I Want To: Open Attachments Folder.

Click the Delete link, to the left of the file. At the, “Are you certain that you want to delete this Attachment?” prompt, click OK. Make sure you have another copy of the file in-house before deleting it from within CurrentTrack.

TIP: Before archiving a job, replace the original hi-res file(s) with a lo-res version(s).

You should also periodically search for files that may have been overlooked along the way. The easiest way to determine which files you’ve uploaded, and to delete them in bulk, is to go to Admin  Agency Administration Manage Attachment Files. Enter the desired search criteria and click Submit.

On the results screen, check the box(es) beside the file(s) you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Delete. 


To edit an Attachment, go to Clients & Jobs Client Job One Sheet  I Want To: Open Attachments Folder.

Click the Edit link beside the desired file. Make any necessary modifications and click Submit. 

NOTE: An existing file cannot be overwritten by uploading a newer version, from within the Edit screen. The new file must be uploaded as a separate Attachment because of CurrentTrack‘s unique file numbering process.

Attachments may also be located by going to Admin  Agency Administration Manage Attachment Files.

Enter the desired search criteria and click Submit. Click the Edit link beside the file and, again, make any necessary modifications; click Submit. 

To export the contents of the search results screen, click Export to ExcelThe file, in .xls format, will automatically download to your desktop.


Should you happen to upload an Attachment file to the wrong Job Number, don’t worry. It can easily be moved.

To move a file, go to: Clients & Jobs Client Job One Sheet  I Want To: Open Attachments Folder.

Click Move beside the desired file. On the following screen, select the Job Number to which you’d like it moved from the drop-down menu; click Submit. Files may also be moved via the Manage Attachment Files interface of Agency Administration (Admin  Agency Administration Manage Attachment Files).