Creating (and Managing) Document Templates


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Permission-based items are highlighted in red.

System navigation is italicized.


Through this Permission-based interface, you can create an unlimited number of custom documents within CurrentTrack. These documents are automatically incorporated into the I Want To drop-down menu of each job and within the  menu at the top of the screen.

TIP: It’s best if one person is responsible for creating Document Templates (e.g. the Traffic Manager) rather than leaving the Task to a variety of Account Executives, assistants, office managers, etc. Having one responsible person enables you to more tightly control the documents that are added to your site.



To create a Document Template, go to Admin  System Administration Manage Document Templates — Create New Document Template.

Give your Template a Title. Enter the Name of the first Field in your document. Select a Font Size and indicate whether the Input Type should be a Text Field, Text Box or Checkbox. If applicable, include a Default Value for the field (e.g. 100.00). If you’re creating a date field, indicate whether a pop-up Calendar should appear to its right. To add another Field, simply click Add Row and again enter all applicable criteria. If you’d like to include internal (cc:), external (Client/Vendor) or both notification option(s) at the bottom of your document, simply check the appropriate box(es).

Click Preview to see the document you’ve created thus far. Once satisfied, click Save Template. Your new document will appear alphabetically in the I Want To: drop-down menu of all Job Folders and within the  menu at the top of the screen. Additionally, the Document will appear in the Manage Permissions area (Admin  System Administration Manage Permissions).



To Edit a Document Template, go to Admin  System Administration Manage Document Templates.

Click the Edit link to the left of the desired Template. To insert a Field, click Add Row. The blank field may then be filled in and moved up (or down) within the Template by clicking its corresponding arrow. To remove a Field from the Template, check the corresponding box to the left of Field Name. Choose Delete Marked Field(s) from the drop-down menu under Application Options, at the bottom of the page; click Save Template.

In order to maintain jobs’ historical accuracy, any changes made to an existing Template won’t be reflected in existing documents. They’ll only be reflected in future documents.



To delete a Document Template, go to Admin  System Administration Manage Document Templates.

Click the Delete link to the left of the desired Template. At the “Are you sure you want to delete this Document Template?” prompt, click OK. A Template can also be deleted from within the document itself. Simply click the Edit link to the left of the desired Template. Once inside, click Delete This Report under Application Options, at the bottom of the page. Once a Document Template has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved.

In order to maintain jobs’ historical accuracy, deleted Templates won’t be removed from existing job folders. They simply won’t be available on a go-forward basis.